I’m currently based in El Paso, Texas. Follow me on twitter @ritualsoftness for travel updates!

Welcome fellow sensualists,

I’m Leely Moore. I’m an erotic artist and a sensual witch. I offer sensual and sexual healing. I have been exploring the sensual realms professionally for twenty years.I have an intuitive touch and a passion for connecting deeply with all different kinds of people. I enjoy finding where we overlap. I’ll meet you in a place of limitless expansion, where our hearts are open.

I’m currently available for one on one or couples erotic-somatic healing sessions.

With a bachelors in Art, minor in Women’s studies, two Yoga teacher certificates, a Permaculture Design Certificate, Reiki level one-three certificates, a Sex Education training, stacks and stacks of books on magic, sex and psychology, years spent in writers workshops and in my own private magic practice, with a child who ordained me in the arts of patience and letting go, with a big heart and a highly sensitive soul, with an expansive, explosive yet grounded sexuality and a deep ingrained sensuality that touches all aspects of my earthly experience, what other possible paths could I take besides this one, as a daughter of the night, a follower of Lilith, Hekate, reverent of Santa Muerte, your guide and co-creator for your sweet sensual awakening or adventure.

What I Offer

An immersive experience which includes bodywork, aromatherapy, reiki, breathwork, soft relaxing mood music, a present and kind connection. Sensual touch is melded with deep muscle relaxation to help you to release and restore.

Why Me

I have been offering full body sensual touch since 2012. I have been trained and apprenticed with many highly skilled healers and sex witches. I take the creation of a shame free environment to experience pleasure in very seriously and so should you! Prioritize feeling good.

I am a very busy multi-hypenate with a full plate. I am a writer, artist, single parent and co-founder of a grassroots organization that works to ensure human rights, support and solidarity for local sex workers. Please do not expect me to be available last minute or for a same day appointment. Think of me as more like a fun Dr’s visit than fast food and take the time to open up your planner and book ahead. You won’t regret it!